Alumni Program

What is an Alumni Program?

Our alumni program is designed to keep previous clients engaged in the recovery process through a large network of alumni who have graduated from the Recreate Behavioral Health program. Support and guidance are the two primary goals of our alumni program. In-person and virtual meetings and events are held regularly throughout the year, and any alumni who would like to attend may do so to receive support and ongoing accountability throughout the active recovery process and integration into a healthy life post-treatment.

With us you will recover

Why Should I Participate in the Alumni Program?

While recovery from any addiction is a personal journey, at Recreate Behavioral Health, we know that building camaraderie with those who have experienced similar challenges is important during the recovery process.

When addiction treatment has concluded, the work has not ended! Learning to live with sobriety is part of the ongoing process of recovery, and participation in our alumni program is a fantastic way to ensure lasting success.

The program offers a place to meet with others who are clean & sober, discuss challenges and difficulties you may be facing, as well as receive encouragement and support. For some participants, being a supportive encourager to others is just as important as seeking advice and support for themselves.

With us you will recover

Why Should I Participate in the Alumni Program?

Addiction treatment programs are extremely short in length when compared to living the rest of your life through the sustained recovery process. We have designed an alumni program that will grow with you as your continued sobriety and life merge into one.

Our dedicated alumni coordinators create opportunities for you to meet and get to know others who are successfully meeting the challenges of real life in a variety of social settings.

While these are vital to your recovery support, we also want you to have some fun with others that value a sober lifestyle. Some of the activities you can expect from our alumni program include:

  • Alumni fellowship meetings designed to create opportunities as sober social activities
  • In-person and virtual options to meet your health and emotional needs as well as the convenience of fitting in activities with work, school, or other personal obligations
  • Our services are driven by a personal touch and a highly experienced solutions teamOpportunities to go to local events, games, or take part in other social situations that would be comfortable and supportive with others in a substance-free environment
  • Coordinators that will organize and take part in regularly scheduled meetings as well as social events to provide ongoing support and advice in real-life situations

Alumni Program in Action

Want to see what our programming really looks like? Take a look at some of the great things you will experience as a part of the alumni program at Recreate Behavioral Health!

Learn More about Recreate Behavioral Health’s Alumni Program

When your treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is complete, and you are on the road to life-long, sustained sobriety, we want to support your efforts in the real world.

If you would like to learn more about our alumni program, find out details regarding when they meet, how you can get involved, and meet our dedicated alumni coordinators, email us at or reach out directly to your alumni coordinator.

We are here to answer your questions and show you how participating in an organized, thoughtful alumni program can be the best way to ensure your recovery stays on track.

Ready to Make a Change?

We understand that the treatment process can be difficult at times. At Recreate Behavioral Health Network, we are committed to assisting you in making progress towards a new life free from the grips of addiction.

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The content of this website such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the website are for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. This website does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk.